Who we are

Who we are Who we are Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros S.L. is composed of a team of high qualified professionals with wide experience in the field, starting with the President and Technical Director Mr Félix César Alonso Moreno and the Manager Ms María Mercedes Gil Gil.

The Management Department is the link between the Board and the Departments. It is in charge of supervising the training, administrative and business work, and offering legal and staff advice.

The Administrative Department is responsible for the attention to the insurance companies, for example the people in charge of the proceedings, experts and lawyers, and the coordination between them and the investigator teams, as well as report layout and sending, supplier management and records.

Finally, the investigators throughout the country: seven high-qualified people, most of them from Forensic and Criminology Police of the State Security Force. They offer great professional experience, technical and practical training, dedication and motivation, therefore they are the most prepared and competent team in our field for this type of work.
Incendio en la nueva sede en construcción del BBVA en Madrid.
El día 6 de julio de 2013 se produjo un incendio en la nueva sede que está construyendo el BBVA en el madrileño barrio de Las Tablas. El siniestro tuvo mucha repercusión mediática en parte por la espectacularidad de las imágenes, ya que el incendio se produjo en lo más alto del edificio y la columna de humo era visible desde mucha distancia.
Incendio de grandes proporciones destruye la Empresa "Cauchos Arnedo"
Se solicitó nuestra intervención  para la realización de un Investigación de Origen y Causas, por la Compañía Aseguradora de la empresa siniestrada durante la madrugada de un fin de semana.