
Introduction Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros is a company engaged in the investigation of fire, explosion and gas poisoning incidents in any scene. With this aim the type, nature and location of the ignition source are identified, as well as the triggering cause. Founded in January 1997 by its current President and Technical Director Mr Félix César Alonso Moreno, its headquarters is in Logroño, La Rioja (Spain), and there are six branch offices in Spain.

Nowadays we are leaders in the scientific investigation of fire and explosions in Spain thanks to our qualified and experienced investigators, who can count on the scientific and technical support of human resources and laboratories as external collaborations. We always use their services as long as the investigation outcome is favourable to our clients’ interests.

In addition, Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros S.L. offers its services in the field of fire prevention through the analysis of possible fire and explosion hazards, as well as in training safety and maintenance workers in order to prevent incidents in the future.
Un aparatoso incendio arrasa seis pabellones en Vitoria
Seis pabellones pertenecientes a la empresa ESCOR dedicada al prensado de papel, han resultado destruidos en el incendio que se produjo el 8 de mayo de 2014, Las naves están situadas en el polígono de Júndiz, perteneciente a Vitoria (Álava). La dificultad de la extición se agravo por la explosión de las placas de fibrocemento del techo, y el peligro de colapso de la estructura de hormigón.
Incendio en el Ferry “Le Rif” a su entrada al puerto de Algeciras
Synthesis recibe el encargo de investigar el incendio que se produjo en una de las bodegas del Ferry “Le Rif” de la naviera marroquí IMTC, cuando entraba en el puerto de Algeciras el 21 de abril de 2008, procedente de Tánger.