Investigation services

Investigation of gas poisoning, explosion and fire incidents.

Investigation of gas poisoning, explosion and fire incidents.

We investigate “origin” and “cause” in gas poisoning, explosion and fire incidents in any kind of scene, such as buildings, industrial premises, community or historical buildings, houses, offices, parking areas, forests, wind turbines, solar parks, turbines, ships of different sizes, all kind of motor and electric engine vehicles, etc.

Every investigation is described in an advanced report in less than 72 hours after it was started, and once it is finished the investigator starts writing the final technical report. We count on the external collaboration of laboratories and high-qualified professionals for every type of ignition detected by our investigators.

All our investigators and collaborators have the experience and capacity to defend their work before a court.
Analysis of explosion and fire hazard

Analysis of explosion and fire hazard

We also offer studies of possible fire hazards at the premises through inspection and search for potential ignition sources, with a technical report about the risk state.

As a support on the safety preventive work against fire that must be implemented in the company. Our main goal is to offer relief through the identification of the fire risk and its neutralization.

This risk inspection and neutralization work must be the beginning of the implementation of a protocol of “Prevention and Safety against Fire” that must be applied to the general functioning of any company. Therefore we also offer theoretical-practical training courses to the company staff responsible of it.


Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros training is divided in two different fields: training for the investigators, through a Diploma in Fire Investigation and courses on it; and occasionally and required by the companies, courses on explosion and fire risk prevention, which main objective is to train the maintenance workers of the companies in the prevention of these risks. This preventive training would be a complement of the hazard study service, although it is not an obligatory step.

We have a Training Centre with computing and technical resources. The training is mainly practical and focused on the professionals in charge of managing and preventing this type of hazards.
Incendio en la empresa Frigoríficos Berbés, de Vigo.
Se realizan por parte de Synthesis trabajos indagatorios el día 21 de agosto de 2013, sobre la petición de colaboración que se nos hizo en relación al siniestro por incendio ocurrido en el interior de la empresa Frigoríficos Berbés, ubicada en la Avenida de Beiramar, 73, de Vigo (Pontevedra). Dicha factoría estaba siendo desmantelada tras el cese de la actividad en la misma.
Incendio en casa rústica de la que deriva una investigación de fraude múltiple.
Siniestro de incendio en un inmueble destinado a vivienda, situado en la calle Los Lienzos, número 11 de Boadilla de Ríoseco (Palencia), el 1 de septiembre de 2010. La investigación ha llevado a la policía a la detención de unas personas que fueron acusadas en juicio de comprar inmuebles rústicos para quemarlos y defraudar al seguro, han sido condenados a tres años de prisión e indemnizar con 27.000 euros.