
History Félix César Alonso Moreno, Spanish Militarized Police Non-commissioned Officer and specialist in criminology and investigation of fire and explosion, has worked in Units of Judicial Police and Criminalistics since 1979, and in 1988 he started being in charge of these Units. In 1997 he decided to ask for a period of leave to found the company engaged in the investigation of origin and cause of incidents of fire and dust and gas explosion called Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros S.L.

As the investigation of fire, dust and gas explosion is a multidisciplinary activity, where it is highly important to carry out a perfect organized detailed visual inspection in any kind of scenes, Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros S.L. decides that most of its staff must come from the Police Force and have taken part in Departments working on this type of investigation besides criminal investigation. Finally they also have to meet or exceed the company standards.

Nowadays it has a team of seven investigators in its six branch offices throughout the country, including the Canary Islands; and a management team with three people in its headquarters in Logroño (La Rioja). All of them, together with the Manager and Technical Director, are able to offer their services throughout the country.

The honesty, capacity and professionalism of Synthesis Investigación de Siniestros S.L. staff, proven along its history serving its clients, have consolidated it as a reliable and leader company of its sector.

Along the last years our company has achieved that most of the insurance companies rely on us for the investigation of their incidents, having investigated more than 3.300 cases, with a 45% annual growth. In fact we have worked in the investigation of incidents with high public attention, such as the explosion in Cafetería Cappuccino in Palma de Mallorca, the fire in Windsor Tower in Madrid, the fire in Palacio de Deportes in Madrid, the gas explosion in Palencia, etc. advising and even visiting other countries in the European Union and South America.

Our goals are to continue with our growth in order to offer better services to our clients sticking to the principles of objectivity, honesty and professionalism, our features since the beginning.
Incendio en un centro educativo de Puerto del Rosario
Nuestra Delegación de las Islas Canarias se hace cargo de la investigación de un incendio ocurrido el 2 de diciembre de 2014 en los barracones del antiguo colegio La Hubara, de estructura prefabricada en la Calle Primero de Mayo de Puerto del Rosario.

Los primeros testimonios indicaban la presencia de varios focos en diferentes partes del centro, y las autoridades no descartan la intencionalidad.
Incendio en la empresa Frigoríficos Berbés, de Vigo.
Se realizan por parte de Synthesis trabajos indagatorios el día 21 de agosto de 2013, sobre la petición de colaboración que se nos hizo en relación al siniestro por incendio ocurrido en el interior de la empresa Frigoríficos Berbés, ubicada en la Avenida de Beiramar, 73, de Vigo (Pontevedra). Dicha factoría estaba siendo desmantelada tras el cese de la actividad en la misma.